Technical Videos
Below are recordings of our free webinars
FPA CPD 0.5 hours – Generic Knowledge – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 04.11.2016
- What is a share of the company?
- When is it compulsory to issue shares to members?
- Who can be a member?
- Issue of share certificates
- How Meeting of Members is conducted.
FPA CPD 0.25 hours - Generic Knowledge – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- What is a Company?
- How to register a company?
- Information required to register a company
- Consents required before setting up a company
- Applicable Operating Rules of the company - Constitution or Replaceable rules
FPA CPD 0.25 hours - Generic Knowledge – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- What are restrictions relating to company name
- How to reserve a company name
- How to register a company with already registered business name
FPA CPD 0.25 hours - Generic Knowledge – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- Be aware of dangers of being a non-complying Director of a Company
- Know in which situation your personal assets can be in jeopardy
- What does the Corporations Act requires from a company Director
- Responsibilities of a Director towards stakeholders
- Tips and Traps to reduce Directors personal liability
- Does your Audit report state that you are Independent?
- Did you apply all the safeguards to comply with APES 110?
- Are you part of an Audit pool arrangement, unknowingly?
- A director ID is a unique number given to an existing or intending director
- A director ID is issued to a person forever.
- Join Robin Hayes, Kayla Caruso & Manoj Abichandani to learn what you must do next
- Learn secrets of wealth creation via borrowing in SMSF How to get in the correct structure
- How trustees can benefit from Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement ?
- Manoj will disscuss strategies which you can implement in your own fund and advice on
- What does "Complying Superannuation fund mean"?
- What is the meaning of contravention in a SMSF and what is the penalty?
- What are the requirements of Audit of a SMSF?
- Property Development is considered a "Business" - Can SMSF' conduct a "Business" ?
- Manoj will discuss how SMSF's can get involved either alone or with others, via
- own funds, LRBA's or via a Trust with others under Div 13.22 C provisions
- Auditing of investment in Crypto Currency can be complex
- Manoj in this presentation will detail all the steps involved - incl all compliance issues
- A Trustee declaration which is an essential part of your working papers will be discussed
- Commencing a Retirement phase pension for a member is a moment where savings are unlocked
- In this presentation Manoj will List what Trustees and SMSF Administrators MUST do
- Must attend event for those planning to commence a Pension or audit a fund with Pension
- With indexation of contributions - advisors should re-visit maximising contributions
- This end of year planning is an effective tool to reduce over all tax which trustees pay
- In this webinar, Manoj will discuss all types of contributions which can be made to a SMSF
- Many Templated Investment strategies are too broad for Trustees to follow
- In this Presentation Manoj will discuss why Investment Strategies are important
- How to write one considering the fund's current investments & all members' situation
- Section 62 defines the Purpose of the fund - but often Trustees have their own agenda
- What is the sole purpose to set up and operate a SMSF should be clearly documented
- Manoj will discuss how auditors should check adherence and how to comment on any breaches
- SMSFs have been popular with older members who have above normal super balances
- When a member dies - Administrators need to ensure the fund complies with the Law
- Manoj in this presentation will list what Administrators & Auditors must watch out for
- It is important for members to know their TBA before commencing Pensions
- How Transfer Balance Cap moves when your spouse dies & you start receiving their pensions
- What Auditors need to know when auditing a fund paying a pension to a member
- There is a lot of confusion on how new APES 110 Independence guidelines will affect SMSFs
- How to eliminate circumstances that are creating Independence threats
- What safeguards to apply to reduce the threats to an acceptable level
- Way forward for firms that provide non-assurance services to SMSF audit clients
- Circumstances when you Can & Cannot Audit a fund where Accounts are prepared by your firm
- What auditors must do to protect to not breach the new Independence requirements
- What changes you should make in your Accounting firm now to retain the audit work
- Concessional & Non Concessional Contribution indexation & its practical implementation
- Manoj will discuss how the increase in Transfer Balance Cap will affect your SMSF
- Some pensions may be able to be increased by $100K and some pensions between NIL to $100K
- How are Actuarial Certificates ordered by Accountants and what are the Main Elements
- Where can an Accountant make a mistake in applying for the certificate - How to check
- Auditors obligation on using another professionals work - How to check if % is correct
11-11-2020 - 1 CPD Hour
- What Auditors must do to protect and not breach the Independence requirements
- Circumstances when you can and cannot audit a fund where the accounts are done in-house
- What are the possible solutions for Auditors and accountants going forward
16-09-2020 - 1 CPD Hour
- Changes in the new Audit Report issued by ATO which has to used from 1st July 2020
- When to issue a un-qualified report and when to issue Part A Financial Part B Compliance
- Qualified / Adverse or Disclaimer of Opinion - Changes you should make to your - EL & ML
12-05-2020 - 1 - CPD Hour
- Trustees of SMSFs that own property leased to related parties may be behind paying rent
- Templates will be provided on how to complete your - Application for Rent Relief -
- Spreadsheet for calculating new rent, Rent waiver & Deferment & Recovery of rent & Minutes
29-04-2020 - 1 - CPD Hour
- Reduced pension payments - including converting prior payments to lump sums
- Withdrawal of $10,000 under new eligibility criteria
- Rent relief to related party tenants - including when fund has an LRBA
17-04-2020 - 1 CPD Hour
- Do not sign off any Audits for financial year ended 30/06/2019 before you learn how to fix
- Engagement & Trustee Representation Letter and Templates will be provided How to complete
- Working Papers / Management Letter / Qualify Part A of the Audit Report
14-04-2020 - 1 CPD Hour
- The Government has passed legislation on ‘Providing Superannuation Relief’ measures
- Reduced pensions - Early access to $10,000 - Rent relief related parties - in-house assets
- Hear Manoj our Technical Director as he explains what it means for you in PLAIN ENGLISH
06-04-2020 - 1 CPD Hour
- The Government has passed legislation on ‘Boosting Cash Flow for Employers’ measures
- These payments will help businesses with their cash flow so they can keep operating
- Hear Manoj our Technical Director as he explains cash boost incentives IN PLAIN ENGLISH
25-03-2020 - 1 CPD Hour
- Auditors are signing off Audit Report without mentioning current situation due to COVID 19
- What the auditor must do before signing off audits & when to evoke Part A qualifications
- Manoj Abichandani in this Webinar will show you - Accountants and Trustees obligations
27-02-2020 - 1 CPD Hour
- The ATO has issued new guidelines on how an Investment Strategy (IS) should look like
- A sample IS will be handed & explained how it ticks all the items of the new guideline
- Manoj in this webinar will discuss what you as auditor, must check in the fund
16-Oct-2019 - 1 CPD hour
- ATO sent out about 18,000 letters to SMSF Trustees regarding their Investment Strategy
- What to write to the Trustees plus a template of a property non-diversified Strategy
- Manoj will discuss why they were sent & what must happen so that Trustees do not pay fines
- Detail case study "Cam & Bear Pty Ltd Vs McGoldrick"
- How can actions of an auditor cause an investment loss to a SMSF?
- What Can SMSF Auditors do to protect themselves?
- What are Crypto Currencies and how SMSF invests in them
- Market Valuation of Bitcoin and other Crypto currencies
- Where trustees can go wrong and what Auditors needs to check
- What are the rules of Downsizer Contributions - Audit Issues
- Who & How much can you contribute
- Why should you contribute and Who does it suit
- Investments Rules to avoid Breach
- ATO powers to unmask Trusts and Sub-Trusts
- Auditing tips on some unique investments
- Is segregation of assets for pension members allowed? - ECPI issues
- What is the meaning of "Fair & Reasonable" Allocation
- SMSF Auditor Duties in checking Allocation of Income to various fund members
- Situations where not to use binding Death Benefit Nominations
- Death when member is on Pension Age - Transfer Balance Account requirements
- Trust Deed puzzle: Reversionary Pensions Vs Death Benefit Nominations
- Personal Contributions to Super
- Home Loan Vs Concessional Contribution - Secrets Unveiled
- Super Strategies for Boomers
- How Generation X should play their cards under new legislation
- What is LRBA and a Related Party & Which Related Party should lend to a SMSF
- Div 7A & Safe Harbour Rules
- How repayment of Loan can Credit your Balance Transfer Cap Account
- Maintaining a Balance Transfer Account
- Merging Pensions - is it still a good idea
- Re-Contribution Strategies - are they still alive
- Two SMSF's - What the Trustees & ATO want
- How to Value SMSF Assets
- Valuation of Assets in context of CGT Relief
- Why is Total Superannuation Balance important
- Strategies around valuation of assets
- Ins and Out of claiming CGT Relief on fund assets - Only what you need to know
- How to record an report the CGT Relief
- Strategies around Claiming CGT Relief
- Which SMSF's should NOT be making an election
- What is the new ATO's view on ECPI and when does it apply from
- Which SMSF's will be affected
- How to manage this change and achieve a better result for SMSF's
- Strategies which you should implement and discuss with your clients
FPA CPD 0.5 hours – SMSF– Approval no. 009210 expiring on 22.06.2018
- New 1.6 million transfer balance cap
- The CGT cost base relief for the segregated and proportionate method
- Some case studies on how funds will apply ECPI % going forward together with CGT relief
FPA CPD 0.75 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 009144 expiring on 25.05.2018
- New concessional and non-concessional contribution caps
- New concessional catch-up provisions
- Total super balance - new limit on non-concessional and some other contributions
- Transitional non-concessional rules
- Removal of 10% test
- Contributions to constitutionally protected funds
- Fund capped contributions
- Key issues, actions and strategies pre 30 June 2017
FPA CPD 1.5 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 009120 expiring on 25.05.2018
- New $1.6M transfer balance cap and excess transfer balance penalties
- CGT cost base relief (segregated and proportionate methods)
- TRIS issues and removal of tax benefits and Lump sums and minimum pension requirements
- Internal commutations and key issues, actions and strategies pre 30 June 2017
FPA CPD 1.25 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 007660
- Reversionary vs. Non Reversionary Pensions
- Converting taxable to tax free component
- Testamentary trusts
FPA CPD 1 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 04.11.2016
- Death benefit Planning Tools in an SMSF: binding death nominations, auto-reversionary pensions and the Will
- The importance of the trust deed and what can go wrong
- Case law to discuss planning loop holes
FPA CPD 1.0 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 04.11.2016
- What are death benefits and what are its taxable implications?
- Who can receive death benefits and what forms can it take?
- Case laws to discuss various dependency and inter-dependency situations?
FPA CPD 1.0 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 05.08.2017
- What did the accountants exemption mean?
- What can an unlicensed accountant do post 1st July?
- Now you are licensed. What now?
- How to operate under your own license or as an Authorized Representative of a licensed entity
FPA CPD 0.75 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 05.08.2017
- Has your SMSF borrowed from a related party?
- Are you concerned about the new ATO measures announced in PCG 2016/5 ?
- What steps do you need to ensure that your borrowing is compliant ?
FPA CPD 0.5 hours – SMSF– Approval no. 007660 expiring on 24.11.2016
- Can you run a business in an SMSF?
- Can I use a related party builder to develop property in an SMSF?
- What are the tips and traps?
FPA CPD 0.5 hours - SMSF – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 23.10.2016
- Threats to independence
- Factors that impact the significance of a threat to independence and the appropriate safeguards
- Some scenarios involving SMSFs in which independence requirements would be breached
FPA CPD 0. 5 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- Restrictions on collectables
- Pre- and post- 1 July 2011 assets
- Defacto barrier
FPA CPD 0.75 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- What is Exempt Current Pension Income (ECPI) and how is it calculated?
- What are the common methods used?
- Some Scenarios when actuarial certificate is required and when it is not required
- How expense deduction is claimed in an SMSF with ECPI?
FPA CPD 0.5 hours – SMSF – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- Introduction to Materiality in the Context of an Audit
- Determining Materiality and Performance Materiality When Planning the Audit
- Use of Benchmarks in Determining Materiality for the Financial Report as a Whole
FPA CPD 0.5 hours - SMSF – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- SMSFs are not prohibited from carrying on a business
- Sole Purpose Test & Arms length dealings with Trustees
- Issues with Investment Strategy of the fund, fund borrowing, acquiring assets from related parties
FPA CPD 0.25 hours - Generic Knowledge – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- What is Vesting of Discretionary Trust?
- Trustee's Obligations on Vesting of Trust
- Consequences of Vesting of Trust
FPA CPD 0.5 hours - Generic Knowledge – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- Trustee's Powers & Obligations
- Rights of Beneficiaries
- Role of Appointor
- Re-Settlement of Trust
FPA CPD 0.25 hours - Generic Knowledge – Approval no. 007660 expiring on 12.10.2016
- Role of various parties involved in the Trust
- Individual Trustee Vs Corporate Trustee – which one is better?
- Who can be a Beneficiary of a Family Discretionary Trust.
- Large number of SMSF Auditors leaving the game due to the new independence requirements
- This is an oppurtunity for the remaining auditors to "double up" their work
- How SMSF Auditors can complete an audit in less than half the time and lodge ACR digitally
- Be amazed on how OCR can change SMSF Auditing
- Trial Balance and Audit Evidence Documents
- Dividend Checking and Closing Share Prices
- In this webinar we provide you the possible solutions for Auditors and accountants going forward on our portal with regards to the new APES 110 guidelines
- Circumstances when you can & cannot audit a fund where accounts are prepared by your firm
- What auditors must do to not breach the new Independence requirements
- What changes you should make in your Accounting firm now to retain the audit work